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ORU&KREYA | EYAS Dance Project
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Oru & Kreya is born from an investigation of movement and weirdness from an imaginary of non-humanoid beings. The two entities experience an intense visceral journey, experiencing the human form for the first time. Drawing from intergalactic fantasy, Oru & Kreya is a dance of unearthly creatures embracing human sensory intensity.
Idea & Direction: Carlos González & Seth Buckley
Choreography: Carlos González & Seth Buckley in collaboration with the dancers
Dancers: Paula Montoya Lozano & Paula Parra Martínez
Image: Itxa Sai
Track: Brushed Thoughts - Artist: Suso Saiz
Track: AS Crust - Artist: Amnesia Scanner
Track: Maniac - Artist: Vondkreistan
Vídeo: GABARA Media
Audiovisual Production: Carlos González
Distribution: AMARELO Distribución Escénica
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